Monday, January 30, 2012

My first

This is my first time blogging about anything.  Most of my days are spent by myself swimming in my own thoughts as I stare blankly at the road ahead.  Kinda like I'm doing to the computer screen at the moment.  The vast majority of people today have no idea what goes on in a truck drivers day to day life, but I'm hoping that this will help fill some people in and get some to laugh at the videos I will probably be posting in the near future of me in traffic dealing with dumbass drivers around me.  I will however give you a heads up that when the road rage starts kicking in I don't censor myself, and when I have something on my mind that I need to let out and it's pissing me off I speak before I think.  I never really thought about blogging anything in my life but the past few weeks have been really tuff for me so a friend suggested that I give it a try and after some deep thought it really seemed like it might help.  Definitely look for any questions that anyone may have or thoughts on any situation I may speak of so please, I could really use something different to occupy my mind

1 comment:

  1. I'm lookin' forward to some photos of the craziness of the road and i think if you post road rage videos they might become my new guilty pleasure.
