Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Daily Comedy

I've never really cared about politics mainly because I hate almost everyone running this country, and I really don't care to discuss politics because it's an endless battle with most.  But if there's one person that I love to listen to when it comes to that subject, or damn near any subject at that matter, is George Carlin.  If he had ran for president I would have registered to vote.  Here's a link to a bit about saving the planet George Carlin - Save the Planet one of the best put points I've seen yet, enjoy!

More to come

The past 2 days have been way too long and eventful for my liking.  I have a couple videos to upload but the signal on my phone sucks and the truck stop I'm at has no wifi so hopefully I'll be able to upload them tomorrow.  I am NEVER coming back to the north east, I don't care how good the loads are paying, it's not worth the headache I've had this time around and the people are a bunch of retarded assholes.  Also, one of the videos is a road rage video, which I know a couple people have been waiting for, and I was ready to kill someone, haha.  Until tomorrow

Friday, February 3, 2012

To hell with the bad ones

Truck broke down, bummed me out but I'm not letting it get me down

Yay for the good days

Just me rambling on about nothing pretty much

Daily comedy

Figured I'd share a couple fun facts about Chuck Norris this time around, Chuck can rub his stomach, pat his head, hop on one leg, and kick your ass all at the same time. Also, Chuck Norris is so fast that he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head. If you enjoy this type of stuff and have an android smart phone there's an app available on the market which is free

Good friends and good times

Forgot to write about the good time I had the other day when I went to lunch with my friends, so I figured i'ld share now while I've got the extra time. Money and possessions won't bring you happiness, the best they'll do is bring you temporary satisfaction. The only thing that has ever made me truly happy is good people like the two I hung out with. They managed to take my shitty day and turn it around like nothing had happened. I wish I had taken more pictures but I was too busy enjoying myself to think about it.

Damn it!

This is the name of the game. Day started off good, then my exhaust decided to break and melt some air lines. I can't seem to win to lose somedays. So now I can't make the last load I had booked for the week and it's gonna kill my settlement this week without that load and the bill from the shop, but that's how it goes sometimes. Got to take it with stride and keep looking forward

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Daily Comedy

If you're anything like me you enjoy getting a good laugh from some of the stupid shit celebrities and artist do.  If you don't know who Ed Lover is then you should definitely check his site out.  C'mon son! Check it out!

Thunder Thursdays!

Todays topic of discussion is local traffic, which I hate oh so much....and I forgot to unplug my phone from the charger so sound quality kinda really sucks this time around, sorry bout that if you can even hear me in the video but they where doing construction at the light I was sitting at and when I took the right turn I almost ran over the guy standing at the cones and the cones.  He grabbed those damn things and ran like hell lol, I got a good laugh out of it

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thunder Thursdays!

Came up with idea of doing some random rants about stuff I could really care less about but some people might find my point of view funny.  The topics could range from politics, state governments, or all the way to local traffic and how I hate it at times.  Definitely looking for suggestions on topics so please fire away, or if you want to rant about a certain topic then feel free, it's what thunder thursday is about!

Daily comedy

Wish I coulda gotten a photo, or even better, a video of a homeless man that came up to me and my friends today outside of cookout.  He started by asking me for a cigarette, which I was more than happy to give him, then proceeded to tell us jokes just before he asked for money.  I don't carry cash on me and neither does my friend but my friend had some food in his bronco that he gave him.  That man was the inspiration behind my joke for today which he told me.  What did one tampon say to the other tampon?  Nothing, they're both stuck up bitches.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did

brighter times

The day got a little better, why not share it?

Wrong side of the bed

Woke up in a bitter mood this morning, not sure as to why, but figured I'd share it